Fearing the spread of the delta variant of the coronavirus, EU countries want to open their borders to travelers from third countries only cautiously and in a coordinated manner. This was reported by participant circles on Thursday evening from the debate at the EU summit. Kurz previously pleaded for “not to panic” in view of the Delta variant. The development had been expected. Virologists such as Christian Drosten had confirmed that the vaccination was effective.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel had previously called for more uniform rules for entry from areas with virus variants. The delta variant is considered particularly contagious and is also spreading in the EU.
That is why the 27 EU states want to press ahead with the vaccination campaign quickly, according to the summit declaration on Covid-19. According to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, some 220 million Europeans will have been vaccinated at least once by Sunday – about 60 percent of adults in the EU.
For holders of the European Covid certificate (“green passport”), quarantine in Europe should be completely eliminated, Chancellor Kurz demanded before the EU summit. There should also be more uniform rules on when someone is considered vaccinated, Kurz said. “It would be good if everyone were a little more generous,” but he said he was not sure if this would be achieved at the EU summit.
- source: derstandard.at/picture: pixabay.com
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